NTS Blog
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Testing for PPX and TCA: Is it Necessary?
Today’s subject was sparked from a conversation that our sales consultants have fairly regularly. Usually this comes up in the context of us pressing to find out why a facility is using the specific...
CLIA Waived or Forensic Use Only: What You Need to Know
What You Need to Know...Something you may have noticed while browsing our product catalogs and/or listings is that some of the tests have a designation of “CLIA Waived”, while others are designated...
A Word on External Quality Controls
If you read the instructions that are included in each box of tests (stop laughing, some people have!) then you have seen the recommendation that “positive and negative controls be tested as good...
Testing for the Presence of Fentanyl: Surfaces & Residues
We are frequently asked about the options for testing a powder or residue found on a participant, or at a facility for the presence of Fentanyl. In other words, if during a routine check of the...
What We Know Now About the Window of Detection for Fentanyl
Fentanyl use continues to rise, and with increased usage comes increased data, and an increased understanding of the pharmacology of this extremely potent synthetic Opioid. In fact, chronic Fentanyl...
A Closer Look into Synthetic Cannabinoids, Also Known As, K2/Spice
One of the so-called “designer drugs” we talk about frequently is colloquially known as “K2/Spice”; named for the earliest products to became popular in the U.S. This colloquialism is why the drug...
Oral Fluid Testing: The Rise in Demand Amidst a Pandemic
Safer Alternative Since March, as businesses and government agencies started closing and investigating safer alternative ways of testing procedures, more and more people have been inquiring about...
EDDP: The Methadone Metabolite
What is EDDP? I often get asked about EDDP – primarily, “what is EDDP?”, and “should I care about EDDP?”. EDDP – the abbreviation for the chemical compound 2-ethylidene-1, 5-dimethyl-3,...
Tips for Keeping a Safe Work and Testing Space in the Age of Social Distancing
As many of us are looking toward going back to normal, or at least back to work, special considerations must be made if we are going to prevent a new spike in COVID-19 infections. In addition to...
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