NTS Blog

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2024 Drug Trends and Emerging Threats Report

Join us for an exclusive webinar uncovering the DEA's 2024 Emerging Drug Threats and Trends Report. Gain crucial insights into the latest drug trends impacting communities across the United States. Learn about evolving substances, public...

The State of Fentanyl and Opioids: 2024

In this live recorded webinar, we delve into the pressing topic of Fentanyl, other Opioids, usage, myths and the current state of the ongoing opioid crisis. Our Chief Product Officer, Eric Malis, will provide insights into these...

Opiates and Opioids: Breaking Down the Differences

Chief Product Officer, Eric Malis, discusses Opiates and Opioids and the differences between them. Often the two are thought to be one in the same but there is important information you need to know about what makes them different and what...

Gas Station Dope

In the latest NTS-U Webinar, join Chief Product Office, Eric Malis in a discussion about drugs of abuse commonly found at gas stations, convenience stores, and smoke shops; most of which are in legal gray areas.

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